In the Case of Bedclothes
I only sleep when I’m alone
and the mirror can’t read me
and when I can control
my breathing, which is never,
and when the tree-creaks
don’t bother me too much.
My pulse is an orange, glittering
and strange in a veined Adam’s Apple.
Its voice is dependent on the decibels
outside of itself.
Which rots first, the skin
or the peel?
Ladybugs stitch crusts for themselves
under my bed. They are lazy and late
to everything; I am scared and late
to most things.
A metal hanger is kissing the doorknob.
My eyes are kissing the hanger. Everything
is always kissing
The light switch said goodnight
ten years ago. I didn’t wave
back, and now it rests without me,
birthing black light SOS constellations.
I cried the first time I saw a mother
molding small hands into mittens
because it was beautiful and because
the hands weren’t mine.
An orange jumpsuit hangs in the closet
without a mannequin, crumpled
and stilted like cheese in case my case
comes up. It told me once that it washed
itself; I pretended to believe it
because who knows, really,
what a thread count can do.
and the mirror can’t read me
and when I can control
my breathing, which is never,
and when the tree-creaks
don’t bother me too much.
My pulse is an orange, glittering
and strange in a veined Adam’s Apple.
Its voice is dependent on the decibels
outside of itself.
Which rots first, the skin
or the peel?
Ladybugs stitch crusts for themselves
under my bed. They are lazy and late
to everything; I am scared and late
to most things.
A metal hanger is kissing the doorknob.
My eyes are kissing the hanger. Everything
is always kissing
The light switch said goodnight
ten years ago. I didn’t wave
back, and now it rests without me,
birthing black light SOS constellations.
I cried the first time I saw a mother
molding small hands into mittens
because it was beautiful and because
the hands weren’t mine.
An orange jumpsuit hangs in the closet
without a mannequin, crumpled
and stilted like cheese in case my case
comes up. It told me once that it washed
itself; I pretended to believe it
because who knows, really,
what a thread count can do.
Remi RecchiaRemi Recchia is an MFA candidate in Poetry at Bowling Green State University, where he serves as Assistant Poetry Editor for the Mid-American Review and teaches first-year writing. His work has appeared in or will soon appear in the Pittsburgh Poetry Review, the Old Northwest Review, Blue River Review, Front Porch, Gravel, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, Anti-Heroin Chic, and Ground Fresh Thursday Press, among others.
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